Tupange Makazi Limited

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Data collection, this involve the collecting all information of the land parcel owners such as full Names, address, land parcel size, boundaries so that to have a full data base of the Land owners, to organize the signing of the prepared documents with details that related to the project

This involves preparation of the detailed planning plans involves updating of the base maps through acquiring existing base maps and detail picking of the existing situation. Different town planning concepts will be developed and the best final concepts will be used for block plans and detail plot designs.

Cadastral surveying is the discipline of land surveying that relates to the definition or re-establishment of land parcel boundaries. Tupange Makazi as a planning firm work together with registered Surveying firm for implementing the approved Town Planning drawings following all procedures related with Surveying

Road upgrading is a process of opening roads by using bull dozers while road formation is the process of surfacing of finished earthworks. It includes the earthworks, the general shaping of the road by using Motor Grader. Motor Grader used to finish grade (refine, set precisely) the rough grading performed by heavy machines such as bulldozers, road upgrading help accessibility on every surveyed plot.

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